Preprints/Under Review
    M.B. Mollah, H. Wang, H. Fang, "Multi-Modal Sensing and Fusion in mmWave Beamforming for Connected Vehicles: A Transformer Based Framework", Under Preparation, 2024.
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    M.B. Mollah, H. Wang, H. Fang, "Vision-Position Aided mmWave Beam Selection for V2V Communications with Transformer Networks", Under Preparation, 2024.
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    M.B. Mollah, H. Wang, M.A. Karim, H. Fang, "Multi-Modality Sensing in mmWave Beamforming for Connected Vehicles Using Deep Learning", Under Minor Revision at IEEE Transactions on Cognitive Communications and Networking, 2024.
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    M.B. Mollah, M.A.K. Azad, Y. Zhang, "Secure Targeted Message Dissemination in IoT Using Blockchain Enabled Edge Computing", IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics, vol. 70, no. 3, pp. 5389-5400, Aug. 2024.
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    M.B. Mollah, H. Wang, M.A. Karim, H. Fang, "mmWave Enabled Connected Autonomous Vehicles: A Use Case with V2V Cooperative Perception", IEEE Network, vol. 38, no. 6, pp. 485-492, Nov. 2024.
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    M.B. Mollah, J. Zhao, D. Niyato, Y.L. Guan, C. Yuen, S. Sun, K.-Y. Lam, and L.H. Koh, "Blockchain for the Internet of Vehicles towards Intelligent Transportation Systems: A Survey," IEEE Internet of Things Journal, vol. 8, no. 6, pp. 4157-4185, March 2021.
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    M.B. Mollah, J. Zhao, D. Niyato, K.-Y. Lam, X. Zhang, A.M.Y.M. Ghias, L.H. Koh, and L. Yang, "Blockchain for future smart grid: A comprehensive survey," IEEE Internet of Things Journal, vol. 8, no. 1, pp. 18-43, January 2021.
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    M.B. Mollah, M.A.K. Azad, A. Vasilakos, "Secure Data Sharing and Searching at the Edge of Cloud-Assisted Internet of Things", IEEE Cloud Computing, Vol. 4, No. 1, January-February 2017, pp. 34-42.
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Conference Proceedings
    M.B. Mollah, H. Wang, H. Fang, "Position Aware 60 GHz mmWave Beamforming for V2V Communications Utilizing Deep Learning", ICC 2024 - IEEE International Conference on Communications, Denver, CO, USA, 2024, pp. 4711-4716.
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    M.B. Mollah, K.R. Islam, S.S. Islam, "E-Police System for Improved E-Government Services of Developing Countries", Proceedings of 25th IEEE Annual Canadian Conference on Electrical & Computer Engineering, Montreal, Canada, April-May, 2012.
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